Saturday 7 June 2014


As you'll have read in the last post, I have been finding out more about this dance. It's "a Russian style dance to an instrumental version of a traditional Russian folksong telling the tale of a young girl wishing to go and see her lover on a cold winter’s day and calling for her “Walenki” (Russian Boots) which have been hidden by her mother. She does not find them, but goes out into the cold anyway knowing her love will keep her feet warm." (HF Dance Instructions).

Here are the lyrics:

Валенки да валенки ой да неподшиты стареньки
Нельзя валенки носить
Не в чем к миленькой сходить
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Ой ты Коля Коля Николай сиди дома не гуляй
Не ходи на тот конец ох не носи девкам колец
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Валенки валенки
Чем подарочки носить лучше б валенки подшить
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Суди люди суди бог как же я любила
По морозу босиком к милому ходила
Валенки валенки эх неподшиты стареньки
Валенки валенки

OK. You want a translation. I found this although I can't vouch for it:

Valenki da valenki
Valenki, valenki
oj da nepodshity, staren'ki
Oh, are not restored and are old
Nel'zja valenki nosit'
It is impossible to wear valenki
Ne v chem k milen'koj shodit'
There is nothing to put on to go to the darling
Valenki, valenki
Valenki, valenki
jeh nepodshity staren'ki
Ehh, are not restored and are old
Valenki, valenki
Valenki, valenki
jeh nepodshity staren'ki
Ehh, are not restored and are old
Oj ty Kolja, Kolja, Nikolaj,
Oh, you, Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay*
sidi doma, ne guljaj
Stay at home, do not walk
Ne hodi na tot konec
Do not go to that street
oh ne nosi devkam kolec
Oh, do not bring rings to the girls
Valenki, valenki
Valenki, valenki
jeh nepodshity, staren'ki
Ehh, are not restored and are old
Valenki, valenki
Valenki, valenki
Chem podarochki nosit'
Instead of carrying gifts
luchshe b valenki podshit'
[b]it is better to restore the valenki[b]
Valenki valenki
Valenki, valenki
jeh nepodshity staren'ki
Ehh, are not restored and are old
Valenki valenki
Valenki, valenki
jeh nepodshity staren'ki
Ehh, are not restored and are old
Sudi ljudi sudi bog
People and God, judge me by
kak zhe ja ljubila
the power of my love:
Po morozu bosikom
during the frost I went barefoot
k milomu hodila
to my darling

Since we are now onto the Folk Song rather than the dance do check out this lovely musical version. Or this incredible version. I bet you you couldn't dance to that!

How about a version that includes the lyrics? Here we go

Well. If you're still here, there's a version with a bass balalaïka and here they tell you how the boots are made! OK Enough!

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